RoCM Playlist: 20 May 2023

RoCM Playlist: 20 May 2023

A reminder that Mars Williams has a GoFund me a he battles a cancer diagnosis, which you can contribute to here: Here’s the playlist for this week. Don’t forget that you can listen online at KCSB-FM’s website and there’s an online archive available for two weeks after the show airs.

RoCM Playlist: 06 May 2023

RoCM Playlist: 06 May 2023

While I typically try to not burden folks with stuff, this week was a bit hectic both personally and professionally so I had to squeak out the show fairly quickly this week. Still a good program with lots of interesting music, so please do enjoy. Here’s the playlist for this week. Don’t forget that you…

RoCM Playlist: 8 Apr 2023

RoCM Playlist: 8 Apr 2023

Kind of simple show this week – there was enough drama in the news that I thought some uplifting birthdays to celebrate would be a nice distraction. Everyone on the playlist, save for Tom Lehrer, Etta James, and Tom Waits, had a birthday this past week, but fun fact – Tom Lehrer celebrates his 95th…