And This Is Free: The Life and Times of Chicago’s Legendary Maxwell St.
So during last Saturday’s show, I opened the second hour with a performance by Carrie Robinson singing “Power To Live Right” from the soundtrack to a Mike Shea documentary called “And This Is Free: The Life and Times of Chicago’s Legendary Maxwell St.”
I tried to track down a copy of this film many years ago to no avail but adding that song to the playlist inspired me to take another look and I did find it available on TubiTV without a subscription:
TubiTV [Link]
Unfortunately, embedding is not available so the link will have to suffice.
I believe the first half of this video is director Mike Shea’s original 1964 documentary and the latter half is Shuli Eshel’s 2002 documentary, “Maxwell Street: A Living Memory” with a narrated slide show by Roger Schatz about Maxwell Street to end the video. So really, three documentaries in one. Full disclosure – I haven’t yet had the time to watch it myself but I hope to view it after this week’s RoCM show is completed.
Anyway, please enjoy and if you care to drop me a line to let me know what you think, feel free to do so.